Interface indicating what we found/corrected when fixing up a URI
Consumer that asked for fixed up URI.
Our best guess as to what URI the consumer will want. Might
be null if we couldn’t salvage anything (for instance, because
the input was invalid as a URI and FIXUP_FLAG_ALLOW_KEYWORD_LOOKUP
was not passed)
The fixed-up original input, never using a keyword search.
(might be null if the original input was not recoverable as
a URL, e.g. “foo bar”!)
The name of the keyword search provider used to provide a keyword search;
empty string if no keyword search was done.
The keyword as used for the search (post trimming etc.)
empty string if no keyword search was done.
Whether we changed the protocol instead of using one from the input as-is.
Whether we created an alternative URI. We might have added a prefix and/or
suffix, the contents of which are controlled by the
browser.fixup.alternate.prefix and .suffix prefs, with the defaults being
“www.” and “.com”, respectively.
The original input