Get a profile by name. This is mainly for use by the -P
commandline flag.
aName | The profile name to find. |
Lock an arbitrary path as a profile. If the path does not exist, it
will be created and the defaults copied from the application directory.
Create a new profile.
The profile temporary directory will be chosen based on where the
profile directory is located.
aRootDir | The profile directory. May be null, in which case a suitable default will be chosen based on the profile name. |
aName | The profile name. |
Create the default profile for an application.
The profile will be typically in
{Application Data}/.profilename/{salt}.default or
{Application Data}/.appname/{salt}.default
or if aVendorName is provided
{Application Data}/.vendor/appname/{salt}.default
@note Either aProfileName or aAppName must be non-empty
The contents of aProfileDefaultsDir will be copied to the
new profile directory.
aProfileName | The name of the profile |
aAppName | The name of the application |
aVendorName | The name of the vendor |
aProfileDefaultsDir | The location where the profile defaults are. |
The created profile. |
Flush the profiles list file.
The currently selected profile (the one used or about to be used by the
The default profile (the one used or about to be used by the
browser if no other profile is specified at runtime). This is the profile
marked with Default=1 in profiles.ini and is usually the same as
selectedProfile, except on Developer Edition.
Developer Edition uses a profile named “dev-edition-default” as the
default profile (which it creates if it doesn’t exist), unless a special
empty file named “ignore-dev-edition-profile” is present next to
profiles.ini. In that case Developer Edition behaves the same as any
other build of Firefox.
Returns the number of profiles.
@return 0, 1, or 2. More than 2 profiles will always return 2.