Retrieve (and |
AddRef() |
) the element this iterator currently points to. |
The result is undefined if this iterator currently points outside the
useful range of the underlying container or sequence.
@result a new reference to the element this iterator currently points to (if any)
Retrieve (and |
AddRef() |
) an element at some offset from where this iterator currently points. |
The offset may be negative. |
getElementAt(0) |
is equivalent to |
getElement() |
. |
The result is undefined if this iterator currently points outside the
useful range of the underlying container or sequence.
anOffset |
a |0|-based offset from the position to which this iterator currently points
@result a new reference to the indicated element (if any)
Put |
anElementToPut |
into the underlying container or sequence at the position currently pointed to by this iterator. |
The iterator and the underlying container or sequence cooperate to |
Release() |
the replaced element, if any and if necessary, and to |
AddRef() |
the new element. |
The result is undefined if this iterator currently points outside the
useful range of the underlying container or sequence.
anElementToPut |
the element to place into the underlying container or sequence
putElementAt(anOffset, anElementToPut)
Put |
anElementToPut |
into the underlying container or sequence at the position |
anOffset |
away from that currently pointed to by this iterator. |
The iterator and the underlying container or sequence cooperate to |
Release() |
the replaced element, if any and if necessary, and to |
AddRef() |
the new element. |
putElementAt(0, obj) |
is equivalent to |
putElement(obj) |
. |
The result is undefined if this iterator currently points outside the
useful range of the underlying container or sequence.
anOffset |
a |0|-based offset from the position to which this iterator currently points
anElementToPut |
the element to place into the underlying container or sequence
Advance this iterator to the next position in the underlying container or sequence.
Move this iterator by |
anOffset |
positions in the underlying container or sequence. |
anOffset |
may be negative. |
stepForwardBy(1) |
is equivalent to |
stepForward() |
. |
stepForwardBy(0) |
is a no-op. |
anOffset |
a |0|-based offset from the position to which this iterator currently points
Move this iterator to the previous position in the underlying container or sequence.
Move this iterator backwards by |
anOffset |
positions in the underlying container or sequence. |
anOffset |
may be negative. |
stepBackwardBy(1) |
is equivalent to |
stepBackward() |
. |
stepBackwardBy(n) |
is equivalent to |
stepForwardBy(-n) |
. |
stepBackwardBy(0) |
is a no-op. |
anOffset |
a |0|-based offset from the position to which this iterator currently points
Test if |
anotherIterator |
points to the same position in the underlying container or sequence. |
The result is undefined if |
anotherIterator |
was not created by or for the same underlying container or sequence. |
anotherIterator |
another iterator to compare against, created by or for the same underlying container or sequence
@result true if |anotherIterator| points to the same position in the underlying container or sequence
Create a new iterator pointing to the same position in the underlying container or sequence to which this iterator currently points.
The returned iterator is suitable for use in a subsequent call to |isEqualTo()| against this iterator.
@result a new iterator pointing at the same position in the same underlying container or sequence as this iterator