

add(uri, type, permission, expireType, expireTime)

Add permission information for a given URI and permission type. This
operation will cause the type string to be registered if it does not
currently exist. If a permission already exists for a given type, it
will be modified.


uri the uri to add the permission for
type a case-sensitive ASCII string, identifying the consumer. Consumers should choose this string to be unique, with respect to other consumers.
permission an integer representing the desired action (e.g. allow or deny). The interpretation of this number is up to the consumer, and may represent different actions for different types. Consumers may use one of the enumerated permission actions defined above, for convenience. NOTE: UNKNOWN_ACTION (0) is reserved to represent the default permission when no entry is found for a host, and should not be used by consumers to indicate otherwise.
expiretype a constant defining whether this permission should never expire (EXPIRE_NEVER), expire at the end of the session (EXPIRE_SESSION), or expire at a specified time (EXPIRE_TIME).
expiretime an integer representation of when this permission should be forgotten (milliseconds since Jan 1 1970 0:00:00).

addFromPrincipal(principal, typed, permission, expireType, expireTime)

Add permission information for a given principal.
It is internally calling the other add() method using the nsIURI from the
Passing a system principal will be a no-op because they will always be
granted permissions.

remove(host, type)

Remove permission information for a given host string and permission type.
The host string represents the exact entry in the permission list (such as
obtained from the enumerator), not a URI which that permission might apply


host the host to remove the permission for
type a case-sensitive ASCII string, identifying the consumer. The type must have been previously registered using the add() method.

removeFromPrincipal(principal, type)

Remove permission information for a given principal.
This is internally calling remove() with the host from the principal’s URI.
Passing system principal will be a no-op because we never add them to the


Clear permission information for all websites.


Clear all permission information added since the specified time.

testPermission(uri, type)

Test whether a website has permission to perform the given action.


uri the uri to be tested
type a case-sensitive ASCII string, identifying the consumer
return see add(), param permission. returns UNKNOWN_ACTION when there is no stored permission for this uri and / or type.

testPermissionFromPrincipal(principal, type)

Test whether the principal has the permission to perform a given action.
System principals will always have permissions granted.

testPermissionFromWindow(window, type)

Test whether the principal associated with the window’s document has the
permission to perform a given action. System principals will always
have permissions granted.

testExactPermission(uri, type)

Test whether a website has permission to perform the given action.
This requires an exact hostname match, subdomains are not a match.


uri the uri to be tested
type a case-sensitive ASCII string, identifying the consumer
return see add(), param permission. returns UNKNOWN_ACTION when there is no stored permission for this uri and / or type.

testExactPermissionFromPrincipal(principal, type)

See testExactPermission() above.
System principals will always have permissions granted.

testExactPermanentPermission(principal, type)

Test whether a website has permission to perform the given action
ignoring active sessions.
System principals will always have permissions granted.


principal the principal
type a case-sensitive ASCII string, identifying the consumer
return see add(), param permission. returns UNKNOWN_ACTION when there is no stored permission for this uri and / or type.

getPermissionObject(principal, type, exactHost)

Get the permission object associated with the given principal and action.


principal The principal
type A case-sensitive ASCII string identifying the consumer
exactHost If true, only the specific host will be matched, @see testExactPermission. If false, subdomains will also be searched, @see testPermission.


The matching permission object, or null if no matching object was found. No matching object is equivalent to UNKNOWN_ACTION. @note Clients in general should prefer the test* methods unless they need to know the specific stored details. @note This method will always return null for the system principal.


Increment or decrement our “refcount” of an app id.

We use this refcount to determine an app’s lifetime. When an app’s
refcount goes to 0, we clear the permissions given to the app which are
set to expire at the end of its session.


removePermissionsForApp(appId, browserOnly)

Remove all permissions associated with a given app id.


aAppId The appId of the app
aBrowserOnly Whether we should remove permissions associated with a browser element (true) or all permissions (false).

updateExpireTime(principal, type, exactHost, sessionExpireTime, persistentExpireTime)

If the current permission is set to expire, reset the expiration time. If
there is no permission or the current permission does not expire, this
method will silently return.


sessionExpiretime an integer representation of when this permission should be forgotten (milliseconds since Jan 1 1970 0:00:00), if it is currently EXPIRE_SESSION.
sessionExpiretime an integer representation of when this permission should be forgotten (milliseconds since Jan 1 1970 0:00:00), if it is currently EXPIRE_TIME.



Allows enumeration of all stored permissions
@return an nsISimpleEnumerator interface that allows access to
nsIPermission objects



Predefined return values for the testPermission method and for
the permission param of the add method
NOTE: UNKNOWN_ACTION (0) is reserved to represent the
default permission when no entry is found for a host, and
should not be used by consumers to indicate otherwise.





Predefined expiration types for permissions. Permissions can be permanent
(never expire), expire at the end of the session, or expire at a specified
time. Permissions that expire at the end of a session may also have a
specified expiration time.