


scheduleUpdate(aManifestURI, aDocumentURI, aWindow)

Schedule a cache update for a given offline manifest. If an
existing update is scheduled or running, that update will be returned.
Otherwise a new update will be scheduled.

scheduleAppUpdate(aManifestURI, aDocumentURI, aAppID, aInBrowser, aProfileDir)

Schedule a cache update for a given offline manifest using app cache
bound to the given appID+inBrowser flag. If an existing update is
scheduled or running, that update will be returned. Otherwise a new
update will be scheduled.

scheduleOnDocumentStop(aManifestURI, aDocumentURI, aDocument)

Schedule a cache update for a manifest when the document finishes

checkForUpdate(aManifestURI, aAppID, aInBrowser, aObserver)

Schedule a check to see if an update is available.

This will not update or make any changes to the appcache.
It only notifies the observer to indicate whether the manifest has
changed on the server (or not): a changed manifest means that an
update is available.

For arguments see nsIOfflineCacheUpdate.initForUpdateCheck() method

offlineAppAllowed(aPrincipal, aPrefBranch)

Checks whether a principal should have access to the offline


aPrincipal The principal to check.
aPrefBranch The pref branch to use to check the offline-apps.allow_by_default pref. If not specified, the pref service will be used.

offlineAppAllowedForURI(aURI, aPrefBranch)

Checks whether a document at the given URI should have access
to the offline cache.


aURI The URI to check
aPrefBranch The pref branch to use to check the offline-apps.allow_by_default pref. If not specified, the pref service will be used.

allowOfflineApp(aWindow, aPrincipal)

Sets the “offline-app” permission for the principal.
In the single process model calls directly on permission manager.
In the multi process model dispatches to the parent process.



Access to the list of cache updates that have been scheduled.



Constants for the offline-app permission.

XXX: This isn’t a great place for this, but it’s really the only
private offline-app-related interface

Allow the domain to use offline APIs, and don’t warn about excessive