A service providing native implementations of path changes notification.
Watches the passed path for changes. If it’s a directory, every file
it contains is watched. Recursively watches subdirectories. If the
resource is already being watched, does nothing. If the passed path
is a file, the behaviour is not specified.
pathToWatch | The path to watch for changes. |
onChange | The callback invoked whenever a change on a watched resource is detected. |
onError | The optional callback invoked whenever an error occurs. |
onSuccess | The optional callback invoked when the file watcher starts watching the resource for changes. |
Removes the provided path from the watched resources. If the path
was not being watched or the callbacks were not registered, silently
ignores the request.
Please note that the file watcher only considers the onChange callbacks
when deciding to close a watch on a resource. If there are no more onChange
callbacks associated to the watch, it gets closed (even though it still has
some error callbacks associated).
pathToUnwatch | The path to un-watch. |
onChange | The registered callback invoked whenever a change on a watched resource is detected. |
onError | The optionally registered callback invoked whenever an error occurs. |
onSuccess | The optional callback invoked when the file watcher stops watching the resource for changes. |