
Represents an HTTP response, as described in RFC 2616, section 6.


setStatusLine(httpVersion, statusCode, description)

Sets the status line for this. If this method is never called on this, the
status line defaults to “HTTP/”, followed by the server’s default HTTP
version (e.g. “1.1”), followed by “ 200 OK”.


httpVersion the HTTP version of this, as a string (e.g. "1.1"); if null, the server default is used
code the numeric HTTP status code for this
description a human-readable description of code; may be null if no description is desired @throws NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG if httpVersion is not a valid HTTP version string, statusCode is greater than 999, or description contains invalid characters @throws NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE if this response is being processed asynchronously and data has been written to this response's body, or if seizePower() has been called on this

setHeader(name, value, merge)

Sets the specified header in this.


name the name of the header; must match the field-name production per RFC 2616
value the value of the header; must match the field-value production per RFC 2616
merge when true, if the given header already exists in this, the values passed to this function will be merged into the existing header, per RFC 2616 header semantics (except for the Set-Cookie, WWW-Authenticate, and Proxy-Authenticate headers, which will treat each such merged header as an additional instance of the header, for real-world compatibility reasons); when false, replaces any existing header of the given name (if any exists) with a new header with the specified value @throws NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG if name or value is not a valid header component @throws NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE if this response is being processed asynchronously and data has been written to this response's body, or if seizePower() has been called on this


Writes a string to the response’s output stream. This method is merely a
convenient shorthand for writing the same data to bodyOutputStream

This method is only guaranteed to work with ASCII data.
if called after this response has been fully constructed


Signals that this response is being constructed asynchronously. Requests
are typically completely constructed during nsIHttpRequestHandler.handle;
however, responses which require significant resources (time, memory,
processing) to construct can be created and sent incrementally by calling
this method during the call to nsIHttpRequestHandler.handle. This method
only has this effect when called during nsIHttpRequestHandler.handle;
behavior is undefined if it is called at a later time. It may be called
multiple times with no ill effect, so long as each call occurs before
finish() is called.

if not initially called within a nsIHttpRequestHandler.handle call or if
called after this response has been finished
if seizePower() has been called on this


Seizes complete control of this response (and its connection) from the
server, allowing raw and unfettered access to data being sent in the HTTP
response. Once this method has been called the only property which may be
accessed without an exception being thrown is bodyOutputStream, and the
only methods which may be accessed without an exception being thrown are
write(), finish(), and seizePower() (which may be called multiple times
without ill effect so long as all calls are otherwise allowed).

After a successful call, all data subsequently written to the body of this
response is written directly to the corresponding connection. (Previously-
written data is silently discarded.) No status line or headers are sent
before doing so; if the response handler wishes to write such data, it must
do so manually. Data generation completes only when finish() is called; it
is not enough to simply call close() on bodyOutputStream.

if processAsync() has been called on this
if finish() has been called on this


Signals that construction of this response is complete and that it may be
sent over the network to the client, or if seizePower() has been called
signals that all data has been written and that the underlying connection
may be closed. This method may only be called after processAsync() or
seizePower() has been called. This method is idempotent.

if processAsync() or seizePower() has not already been properly called



A stream to which data appearing in the body of this response (or in the
totality of the response if seizePower() is called) should be written.
After this response has been designated as being processed asynchronously,
or after seizePower() has been called on this, subsequent writes will no
longer be buffered and will be written to the underlying transport without
delaying until the entire response is constructed. Write-through may or
may not be synchronous in the implementation, and in any case particular
behavior may not be observable to the HTTP client as intermediate buffers
both in the server socket and in the client may delay written data; be
prepared for delays at any time.

if accessed after this response is fully constructed