
nsIBrowserGlue is a dirty and rather fluid interface to host shared utility
methods used by browser UI code, but which are not local to a browser window.
The component implementing this interface is meant to be a singleton
(service) and should progressively replace some of the shared “glue” code
scattered in browser/base/content (e.g. bits of utilOverlay.js,
contentAreaUtils.js, globalOverlay.js, browser.js), avoiding dynamic
inclusion and initialization of a ton of JS code for each window.
Dued to its nature and origin, this interface won’t probably be the most
elegant or stable in the mozilla codebase, but its aim is rather pragmatic:
1) reducing the performance overhead which affects browser window load;
2) allow global hooks (e.g. startup and shutdown observers) which survive
browser windows to accomplish browser-related activities, such as shutdown
sanitization (see bug #284086)



Deletes privacy sensitive data according to user preferences


aParentWindow an optionally null window which is the parent of the sanitization dialog


Add Smart Bookmarks special queries to bookmarks menu and toolbar folder.


Gets the most recent window that’s a browser (but not a popup)