
The mozIStorageService interface is intended to be implemented by
a service that can create storage connections (mozIStorageConnection)
to either a well-known profile database or to a specific database file.

This is the only way to open a database connection.

@note The first reference to mozIStorageService must be made on the main


openAsyncDatabase(aDatabaseStore, aOptions, aCallback)

Open an asynchronous connection to a database.

This method MUST be called from the main thread. The connection object
returned by this function is not threadsafe. You MUST use it only from
the main thread.

If you have more than one connection to a file, you MUST use the EXACT
SAME NAME for the file each time, including case. The sqlite code uses
a simple string compare to see if there is already a connection. Opening
a connection to “Foo.sqlite” and “foo.sqlite” will CORRUPT YOUR DATABASE.

@throws NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG if |aDatabaseStore| is neither a file nor
one of the special strings understood by this method, or if one of
the options passed through |aOptions| does not have the right type.
@throws NS_ERROR_NOT_SAME_THREAD if called from a thread other than the
main thread.


aDatabaseStore Either a nsIFile representing the file that contains the database or a special string to open a special database. The special string may be: - "memory" to open an in-memory database.
aOptions A set of options (may be null). Options may contain: - bool shared (defaults to |false|). -- If |true|, opens the database with a shared-cache. The shared-cache mode is more memory-efficient when many connections to the same database are expected, though, the connections will contend the cache resource. In any cases where performance matter, working without a shared-cache will improve concurrency. @see openUnsharedDatabase
aCallback A callback that will receive the result of the operation. In case of error, it may receive as status: - NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY if allocating a new storage object fails. - NS_ERROR_FILE_CORRUPTED if the database file is corrupted. In case of success, it receives as argument the new database connection, as an instance of |mozIStorageAsyncConnection|.


Get a connection to a named special database storage.

@see openDatabase for restrictions on how database connections may be
used. For the profile database, you should only access it from the main
thread since other callers may also have connections.

@throws NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG if aStorageKey is invalid.


aStorageKey a string key identifying the type of storage requested. Valid values include: "memory".


a new mozIStorageConnection for the requested storage database.


Open a connection to the specified file.

Consumers should check mozIStorageConnection::connectionReady to ensure
that they can use the database. If this value is false, it is strongly
recommended that the database be backed up with
mozIStorageConnection::backupDB so user data is not lost.


If you have more than one connection to a file, you MUST use the EXACT
SAME NAME for the file each time, including case. The sqlite code uses
a simple string compare to see if there is already a connection. Opening
a connection to “Foo.sqlite” and “foo.sqlite” will CORRUPT YOUR DATABASE.

The connection object returned by this function is not threadsafe. You must
use it only from the thread you created it from.

If allocating a new storage object fails.
If the database file is corrupted.


aDatabaseFile A nsIFile that represents the database that is to be opened..


a mozIStorageConnection for the requested database file.


Open a connection to the specified file that doesn’t share a sqlite cache.

Without a shared-cache, each connection uses its own pages cache, which
may be memory inefficient with a large number of connections, in such a
case so you should use openDatabase instead. On the other side, if cache
contention may be an issue, for instance when concurrency is important to
ensure responsiveness, using unshared connections may be a performance win.


If you have more than one connection to a file, you MUST use the EXACT
SAME NAME for the file each time, including case. The sqlite code uses
a simple string compare to see if there is already a connection. Opening
a connection to “Foo.sqlite” and “foo.sqlite” will CORRUPT YOUR DATABASE.

The connection object returned by this function is not threadsafe. You must
use it only from the thread you created it from.

If allocating a new storage object fails.
If the database file is corrupted.


aDatabaseFile A nsIFile that represents the database that is to be opened.


a mozIStorageConnection for the requested database file.


See openDatabase(). Exactly the same only initialized with a file URL.
Custom parameters can be passed to SQLite and VFS implementations through
the query part of the URL.


aURL A nsIFileURL that represents the database that is to be opened.

backupDatabaseFile(aDBFile, aBackupFileName, aBackupParentDirectory)

Copies the specified database file to the specified parent directory with
the specified file name. If the parent directory is not specified, it
places the backup in the same directory as the current file. This function
ensures that the file being created is unique.


aDBFile The database file that will be backed up.
aBackupFileName The name of the new backup file to create.
[optional] aBackupParentDirectory The directory you'd like the backup file to be placed.


The nsIFile representing the backup file.