

loadSubScript(url, obj, charset)

This method should only be called from JS!
In JS, the signature looks like:
rv loadSubScript (url [, obj] [, charset]);


url the url of the sub-script, it MUST be either a file:, resource:, or chrome: url, and MUST be local.
obj an optional object to evaluate the script onto, it defaults to the global object of the caller.
charset optionally specifies the character encoding of the file. If absent, the file is interpreted as ASCII. @retval rv the value returned by the sub-script

loadSubScriptWithOptions(url, options)

This method should only be called from JS!
In JS, the signature looks like:
rv = loadSubScript (url, optionsObject)


url the url of the sub-script, it MUST be either a file:, resource:, or chrome: url, and MUST be local.
optionsObject an object with parameters. Valid parameters are: - charset: specifying the character encoding of the file (default: ASCII) - target: an object to evaluate onto (default: global object of the caller) - ignoreCache: if set to true, will bypass the cache for reading the file. @retval rv the value returned by the sub-script

precompileScript(uri, principal, observer)