

hasPluginForAPI(api, tags)

Get a plugin that supports the specified tags.
Callable on any thread

getGMPVideoDecoder(tags, nodeId, outVideoHost)

Get a video decoder that supports the specified tags.
The array of tags should at least contain a codec tag, and optionally
other tags such as for EME keysystem.
Callable only on GMP thread.

getGMPVideoEncoder(tags, nodeId, outVideoHost)

Get a video encoder that supports the specified tags.
The array of tags should at least contain a codec tag, and optionally
other tags.
Callable only on GMP thread.

getGMPAudioDecoder(tags, nodeId)

getGMPDecryptor(tags, nodeId)


Add a directory to scan for gecko media plugins.
@note Main-thread API.


Remove a directory for gecko media plugins.
@note Main-thread API.

getNodeId(origin, topLevelOrigin, inPrivateBrowsingMode)

Gets the NodeId for a (origin, urlbarOrigin, isInprivateBrowsing) tuple.


Returns true if the given node id is allowed to store things
persistently on disk. Private Browsing and local content are not
allowed to store persistent data.


Returns the directory to use as the base for storing data about GMPs.



The GMP thread. Callable from any thread.