
imgILoader interface

@author Stuart Parmenter
@version 0.3
@see imagelib2


loadImageXPCOM(aURI, aInitialDocumentURL, aReferrerURI, aLoadingPrincipal, aLoadGroup, aObserver, aCX, aLoadFlags, cacheKey, aContentPolicyType)

Start the load and decode of an image.

libpr0n does NOT keep a strong ref to the observer; this prevents
reference cycles. This means that callers of loadImage should
make sure to Cancel() the resulting request before the observer
goes away.


aURI the URI to load
aInitialDocumentURI the URI that 'initiated' the load -- used for 3rd party cookie blocking
aReferrerURI the 'referring' URI
aLoadingPrincipal the principal of the loading document
aLoadGroup Loadgroup to put the image load into
aObserver the observer (may be null)
aCX some random data
aLoadFlags Load flags for the request
aCacheKey cache key to use for a load if the original image came from a request that had post data
aContentPolicyType [optional] the nsContentPolicyType to use for this load. Defaults to nsIContentPolicy::TYPE_IMAGE

loadImageWithChannelXPCOM(aChannel, aObserver, cx, aListener)

Start the load and decode of an image.

libpr0n does NOT keep a strong ref to the observer; this prevents
reference cycles. This means that callers of loadImageWithChannel should
make sure to Cancel() the resulting request before the observer goes away.


aChannel the channel to load the image from. This must already be opened before ths method is called, and there must have been no OnDataAvailable calls for it yet.
aObserver the observer (may be null)
cx some random data
aListener [out] A listener that you must send the channel's notifications and data to. Can be null, in which case imagelib has found a cached image and is not interested in the data. @aChannel will be canceled for you in this case.
